Пример восстановления документов из Аудита

В MariaDB

concat('insert into qol_docs (id,',group_concat(col order by tld.id),') values (',tl.pk,',',group_concat(
case when val is null then
'null' else concat('''',coalesce(val,''),'''')  end
order by tld.id),');')  from table_log_dtls tld
join table_logs tl on tl.id=tld.log_id
where tl.pk in
select tl.pk from table_logs tl
where table_name='qol_docs' and id in
(select log_id from table_log_dtls where
col='ext_account_id' and val in ('27213','28097','29050','29060'
) )
and tl.table_name ='qol_docs'
order by tl.id desc
group by tl.pk,tl.id

В PostgreSQL пример восстановления удаленных шаблонов:

concat( 'insert into ', tl.table_name, ' (id,',
(select string_agg (col,',' order by d.id) from table_log_dtls d where d.log_id=tl.id and d.col<>'its_contract_tpl_id' and d.col not like '%$%'),')',
'values (',tl.pk,',',
(select string_agg (concat(case when val  is null then 'NULL' else ''''||val||'''' end),','  order by d.id) from table_log_dtls d where d.log_id=tl.id and d.col<>'its_contract_tpl_id' and d.col not like '%$%')
 from table_logs tl where user_id=38919 and table_name='its_contract_tpl_var'
and not exists(select 1 from its_contract_tpl_var where id=tl.pk)

and tl.id = (select max(id) from table_logs tl2 where tl2.pk = tl.pk and tl2.table_name  = tl.table_name)